In this class, you can learn two aerial circus disciplines, aerial hoop and static trapeze. They are a type of sports, as well as a performance, where you, the aerialist, do acrobatics on the apparatuses, that are hanging from the ceiling.
The course is very welcoming to beginners, as well as aerialist with basic skills. We are gonna learn cool poses, tricks and drops together, warm up with fun games, build up muscles and improve our flexibility, mobility and skills.
The aim of this class is to have a weekly break of fun and release pressure from Uni or if life gets a little too much.
Voraussetzungen: Keine gesundheitlichen Bedenken
Mitzubringen: Enganliegende und elastische Sportbekleidung, Sportsocken oder Turnschläppchen
Für Beschäftigte: Beim Hochschulsport entsteht ein geldwerter Vorteil.
Requirements: No health issues
Please bring: Sportwear, sportsocks or gymnasticshoes


Physical contact



Social closeness