Mobility, stability and flexibility
verantwortlich: Sarah Pullich

''Mobility, stability, and flexibility: Strength training''

Mitzubringen: Sportbekleidung, Sportschuhe, Wasserflasche, Handtuch


Für Beschäftigte: Beim Hochschulsport entsteht ein geldwerter Vorteil.


''Mobility, stability, and flexibility: Strength training''

This program is a full body workout that focuses on 3 skills that build upon each other to assure improved posture, maximize joint injury prevention, release muscle tension, effective strength training and enhance overall physical performance. The first 40 minutes of training consist of mobility and stability exercises that allow ease of movement through an active range of motion, followed by 20 minutes of a cool down stretch routine to improve flexibility

Requirements: No health issues

Please bring: Sportswear, sportshoes, water, towel




312011KleveMi19:00-20:00Bewegungsraum 129.03.-28.06.Amira Almasri Moreno
8/ 13/ --/ 13 €
für Studierende

13 EUR
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13 EUR
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